ACCJH Conference 2025

Austin, TX
March 17, 2025

March 19, 2025

The Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, hosted by ACCJH and supported by ForHealth Consulting at UMass Chan Medical School, is an annual peer-reviewed conference that highlights emerging research and policy across the criminal legal field and supports the ACCJH mission to improve evidence-based practices and policies to improve the health of justice-involved populations. It is an interdisciplinary conference bringing together researchers, clinicians, public health experts and policymakers to meet this objective.

While the conference accepts proposed presentations or posters for consideration that address a wide array of topics at the intersection of health and criminal legal systems, we are interested in patterns, experiences and outcomes of health service utilization in populations involved in the criminal legal system, including care provided during incarceration and both during and after community reentry. We welcome presentations on ways to effectively address the complex needs of individuals impacted by the criminal legal system

The three-day conference draws participants from more than 150 academic institutions, correctional, healthcare, and policy agencies from around the world.

Full conference schedule to be shared soon – stay tuned!

ACCJH 2025 at a glance:

Monday, March 17th

  • Breakfast 7-8:00 a.m.
  • Opening remarks 9:15 am
  • Keynote Presentation – Anthony Hinton 9:30 am
  • Presentations end 4:45 pm
  • Langeloth Scholarship Awards 5:15-6:30 pm

Tuesday, March 18th

  • Breakfast 7:00-8:30 am
  • Plenary Session: Pharmacoequity in Carceral Settings 8:30 am
  • Presentations end 5:00 pm
  • Poster Presentations 5:00 – 6:30 pm

Wednesday, March 19th

  • Breakfast 7:00-8:45 am
  • Networking Session/Speed Mentoring 7:30-8:30 am
  • Presentations run 8:45 am – 12:30 pm

Participants will know and/or be able to:

  • Learn about emerging research at the intersection of health and the criminal-legal systems and gain skills in applied research and cross-disciplinary and systems collaboration
  • Network with a multidisciplinary group of attendees interested in learning and sharing criminal-legal health practices
  • Gain new skills to develop academic-criminal legal health partnerships and overcome barriers to research in your agency
  • Learn from individuals with lived experience and those working in academic and community agencies
  • Reflect on emerging health policy issues in criminal-legal health

The 2025 AACJH Conference Planning Committee Includes:

  • Alysse Wurcel, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine
  • Brian McGregor, PhD, Morehouse School of Medicine
  • Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein, PhD, Associate Professor, Duke Medical School
  • Meaghan Dupuis, LMHC, Executive Director, Justice, Health, & Equity, UMass Chan Medical School
  • Ekaterina Pivovarova, PhD, Academic Director, Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Community Health, UMass Chan Medical School
  • Sarah Bakanosky, Academic Programs and Training Manager, Justice, Health, & Equity, UMass Chan Medical School
The intended audience for this conference is researchers, clinicians, administrators, students, educators, policy makers, grant funding leaders and community advocates.

Please check back soon for a list of our 2025 AACJH Scholarship recipients!

  • 60-Minute Oral Presentations: 60-minute presentations will be accepted for panels and workshops. We encourage groups working cross-disciplinarily and cross-institutionally to facilitate workshop presentations.
  • 20-Minute Oral Presentations: 12-minute presentations with 8 minutes devoted to Q&A focused on completed research, research in progress, findings from program evaluation or quality improvement projects.
  • 8-Minute Oral Presentations: 6-minute presentations with 2 minutes Q&A on completed research, research in progress, findings from program evaluation, or quality improvement projects.
  • Poster Presentations: The poster format may be used for submissions of research results or other types of communications, e.g., policy, works in progress, research methods, practice transformation, and program evaluation/quality improvement techniques.


Please visit this page to register for the 2025 conference. Registration is available through March 1st and pricing is available below:

  • Individuals: $850.00
  • Student: $600.00

Registration cancellations will be allowed through Friday, February 28. Refunds will be subject to a $100 cancellation fee. Please reach out to if you have questions or would like to request a refund.

Thursday, April 13, 2023
7:30-8:30 a.m. Registration/Breakfast/Roundtable Discussions Glenwood I&2
8:30-9:00 amWelcoming Remarks
9:00-10:15 amKeynote Presentation: Catalyzing Reform Via Film: The Belly of the Beast Glenwood I&2
10:15-10:30 amBreak
10:30-11:30 am60 Minutes: Track One: Women’s Health Salon A-C60 Minutes: Track Two: Community Reentry Salon D 60 Minutes: Track Three: Juvenile Justice Salon E60 Minutes: Track Four: Infectious Disease City of Oaks60 Minutes: Track Five: Mental Health Salon F-G
Pregnancy and Parenting in Prison: Before, During, and “After” the COVID-19 Pandemic Amanda Corbett MPHAn Examination of a Person-Centered Humanistic Approach to Community Reentry Lina Racicot EdDEarly Lessons Learned from a Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial of Evaluating Methods to Improve Linkage to HIV Prevention and Treatment Services for Persons with Opioid and Stimulant Use Involved in the Justice System: Addressing Risk Through Community Treatment for Infectious diseases and Opioid use disorder Now among justice-involved populations (ACTION)Randi Proffitt, PhD, Sandra Springer, MD, Ank Nijhaan, MD, Kevin Knight, PhDLessons Learned from the Clinical Dilemmas during a Large Tuberculosis Outbreak in a State Prison System Lara Strick MD, MSA trauma and PTSD primer for correctional health professionals Melissa Zielinski PhD
11:30am-11:45 pmBreak
11:45-12:4515 Minutes: Track One: Implementation Science Salon A-C Moderator: Sadacharan15 Minutes: Track Two: Community Reentry Salon D Moderator: Prost15 Minutes: Track Three: SUD Salon E Moderator: Vest15 Minutes: Track Four: HIV City of Oaks Moderator: Nijihawan15 Minutes: Track Five: Mental Health Salon F-G Moderator: Pruette
Enablers and barriers in implementing Promoting Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care (PIPBHC) in outpatient treatment programs Minerva Francis EdDPeer Navigation and Service Utilization Upon Reentry into the Community Among Justice-involved Persons Alysse Schultheis MAThe Bureau of Justice Statistics findings on opioid use disorder response practices and treatment in local jails Richard Kluckow DSWDEPART-CJI: Directly-Observed-Therapy Enhanced Peer-support to Promote Adherence to Antiretroviral Therapy among Criminal Justice-Involved Individuals Maxwell Ackerman BSMental Healthcare Practices from Entry to Release among Southeastern Jails Elena DiRosa MPH
The Application of Implementation Science Methods in Correctional Health Intervention Research
Tonya Van Deinse PhD
Melissa Zielinski PhD
Mortality and acute care utilization following prison release among individuals with substance use disorders
Peter Treitler MSW
Incarceration Linked to Increased Report of HIV Testing in People Who Inject Drugs in Massachusetts
Benjamin Bovell-Ammon MD, MPH
Understanding Justice-Involvement in Individuals Served by Arkansas Crisis Stabilization Units
Marley Fradley BS
The Development & Evaluation of a Digital Peer Support Group for Formerly Incarcerated People
Will Boles BS
Thad Tatum BS, AA
Jarrod Wall
Lauren Nguyen
Community Health Worker Adherence to Self-Determination Theory in the Women’s Initiative Supporting Health (WISH) Intervention Study
Anh-Tho Antoinette Nguyen BA
Cascade of Care in the Justice System: Best Practices and Goals for Agencies Providing Care to Patients Concurrently Navigating Substance Use Disorders and Justice Involvement
Kendra Clark PhD
Indications for PrEP in a Justice-Involved Population: Intersection of substance use and sexual risk
Ank Nijhawan MD, MPH
A review of the characteristics of male incarcerated persons transferred from North Carolina jails to Central Prison on safekeeping orders for inpatient psychiatric treatment
Joseph Williams MD
Implementation of peer support specialists in Florida family dependency drug courts
Barbara Andraka-Christou JD, PhD
WORTH Transitions: Factors Impacting Participation in an HIV/STI Prevention Intervention for Women Recently Released from Incarceration With the Health Equity Implementation Framework
Karen Johnson PHD
U.S. Jail Administrator and Clinician Perspectives on Medications for Opioid Use Disorder for Pregnant People in Custody
Chanel Lee MSPH
Perceived versus actual risk among PrEP indicated persons on community supervision
Taylor Krajewski MA
A national epidemiologic profile of tailored mental health services for individuals ordered to treatment by a court
O’Dell Johnson PhD
12:45-1:45 pmLunch
1:45-2:45 pmPoster Session Glenwood Salon III&IV
2:45-3:45 pm30 Minutes: Track One: Reproductive Health Salon A-C Moderator: Nowotny 30 Minutes: Track Two: Policy Reform Salon D Moderator: Reagan 30 Minutes: Track Three: Community Based Strategies Salon E Moderator: Camplain30 Minutes: Track Four: Trauma Informed Care City of Oaks Moderator: Morse 30 Minutes: Track Five: Substance Use Disorder Treatment Salon F-G Moderator: Bunting
Abortion Access for Incarcerated People
Martha Paynter RN, PhD
Preparing to Remove the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion: Pre-Release Services in California. Lessons from the Transitions Clinic Network
Shira Shavit MD
Community Based Participatory Research in Action: Bringing the Expertise of Lived Experience with the Legal System into the Research Process
Tess Drazdowski PhD
Michael McCart PhD
Rebecca Fix PhD
Barbara Oudekerk/Maurer PhD
Trauma, consent, and decision-making in women’s prison: can we imagine a different approach to care?
Jennifer James PhD, MSW, MSSP
What does the Department of Justice’s new focus on MOUD access mean for jails, prisons, community members, healthcare providers, and researchers?
David Sinkman JD, MSc
Maternal Health and Health Outcomes: New Data Collection Efforts from the Bureau of Justice Statistics
Laura Maruschak MA
“Consent for Incarcerated People is a Fallacy”: Correctional Reproductive Healthcare Under the Shadow of the California Eugenics Program
Leslie Riddle MPH, Aminah Elster, BSLS
Community-driven strategies for implementing suicide prevention education in jails
Melissa Zielinski PhD
Understanding Trauma-Informed Primary Care Focused on Correctional Facilities: A Scoping Review
Eilish Scallan MD
What Research and Policies are Needed to Implement Medicaid Reimbursement of Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in Prisons and Jails?
Alexandra Duncan DrPH MPH
3:45-4:00 pmBreak
4:00-5:00 pm 15 Minutes: Track One: MOUD Salon A-C Moderator: Wurcel 15 Minutes: Track Two: Aging Populations Salon D Moderator: Brewer15 Minutes: Track Three: SUD Salon E Moderator: Taxman15 Minutes: Track Four: Data and Policy City of Oaks Moderator: Brinkley-Rubinsten15 Minutes: Track Five: Trauma Informed Care and Mental Health Salon F-H Moderator: Cummings
Extended-release injectable buprenorphine initiation in a correctional setting: Community treatment retention outcomes
Justin Berk MD, MPH, MBA
How are Bedrails like Bars? Examining Institutional Relationships underlying Post-Release Care in a Connecticut Nursing Home
Apoorva Rangan A.B.
Exploring Community Supervision Officer’s Perceptions and Responses to Naloxone Possession Among Clients
Linsey Belisle PhD
Justice Involvement and Contact with Community Health Systems: Emergency Department, Inpatient, and Outpatient Encounters 2014-2020
Michele Easter PhD
Coping to Buffer Traumatic Experiences Among People Experiencing Wrongful Conviction and Re-entry
Gayle Cummings PsyDc, MPH Obie Anthony, Exec Director, Exonerated Nation, Martina Peralta DO/MPHc
Buprenorphine-Naloxone vs. Extended-Release Naltrexone for Opioid Use Disorder in People with Criminal Justice Involvement: A Secondary Analysis of the X:BOT Randomized Controlled Trial
Dylan Balter BA
Benjamin Howell MD, MPH, MHS
A Rapid Evidence Assessment of Transitions of Older Adults in the Justice System: Directions for the Future
Kristin Merss BSN, RN
Stephen Kwas
Laura Block BS, BSN, RN
Referrals to drug treatment by probation and parole officers: Changes over time and differences by race/ethnicity and drug of choice, 2015-2020, United States
Nickolas Zaller PhD
Prison Hospital Data Transmission to Federal Health Cost and Utilization Project Datasets and Subsequent Availability
Michael Behne BS
Trauma-Based intervention for Adults Released from Jail, Stephen Tripodi PhD
Tanya Renn PhD
Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Jails and Prisons in Massachusetts: Cost-Effectiveness and Impact on Overdose Deaths
Avik Chatterjee MD, MPH
Older Adult Health and Treatment Needs for Veterans and Non-veterans Incarcerated in State Prisons
Lance Washington MA
Exploring the burden of opioid related death among people in provincial correctional facilities in Ontario, Canada
Amanda Butler PhD
Formative Work to Develop a National Prison Health Surveillance System
Jessica Gaber MSW, RSW
“Nothing but a Rope to Hang Yourself:” The Toll of Mass Supervision on Mental Health
Katherine LeMasters MPH
Using a Unique Statewide Data Platform to Characterize Receipt of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Before and After Incarceration in Massachusetts, 2015-2019
Benjamin Bovell-Ammon MD, MPH
Health and Reentry Through Our Lens: Findings from a Participatory Photovoice Study with System-Impacted Older Men
Daina Stanley PhD, MA
Recovery Capital and Community Reentry: Perspectives from Prison-Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment Program Clinicians and Administrators
Evan Batty MA
What Health Status Indicators Should be Included in Health Surveillance for Women who are Incarcerated? A Review and Critical Analysis of Guidance and Published Literature
Jessica Gaber MSW, RSW
Mass Probation: Effects of Probation on Mental Health for Black and White Individuals
Katherine LeMasters MPH
5:00-5:30 pmBreak
5:30-7:00 pmReception: Includes Presentation of Warren J. Ferguson Scholarship and certificate presentations to all scholarship awardees Outdoor Courtyard
Friday, April 14, 2023
7:30-8:30 a.m.Registration and Breakfast/ Racial and Social Justice Networking Glenwood Salon I&II
8:30-9:30 a.m.60 Minutes: Track One: HIV linkage Salon A-C60 Minutes: Track Two: Research Methods & Approach Salon D60 Minutes: Track Three: Special Populations: Veterans Salon E60 Minutes: Track Four: Emerging Clinical Issues City of Oaks30 Minutes: Track : Workforce Education Salon F-H
Transformations in Juvenile Justice: A Trauma-Responsive Lens
Melissa Threadgill, MPP
Melinda Kneeland, BS
Integrating the Expertise of People with Lived Experience in the Research Enterprise Patrick Hibbard PhDFacilitating Access to VA Services at the Earliest Possible Point for Justice-Involved Veterans Katharine Stewart MSWBenchmarking Antimicrobial Usage in Massachusetts Jails Emily Grussing BSEducating early career faculty and practitioners to engage in criminal-legal research: lessons learned with LEAP! Warren Ferguson MD
Piloting a Standardized Correctional Health Curriculum for Medical Students and Residents Jason Glenn Ph.D. Alina Bennett PhD, MPH, MA Ahmar Hashmi MD, MPH Sierra Stites MPH
9:30-9:45 a.m.Break
9:45-11:00 a.m.Plenary Presentation: Enhanced Perinatal Programs for People in Prison: A Little Serendipity and a Lot of Science: Rebecca Shlafer, PhD Glenwood Salon I&II
11:00-11:15 a.m.Break
11:15 a.m-12:15 p.m.Poster Session Glenwood Salon III&IV
12:15-1:00 p.m.Lunch
1:00-2:00 p.m.15 Minutes: Track One: Burden of Chronic Conditions Salon A-C Moderator: Holliday15 Minutes: Track Two: Reproductive Health Salon D Moderator: Reagan15 Minutes: Track Three: Research Methods & Approaches Salon E Moderator: Bunting15 Minutes: Track Four: Special Populations: Veterans& Geriatrics City of Oaks Moderator: Harrison15 Minutes: Track Five: Mental Health Salon F-H Moderator: Cummings
Burden of Hepatitis C Infection and Death from Liver-Related Disease in the New Mexico Department of Corrections
Lillian Dineen BS
A Qualitative Analysis of Pregnant Incarcerated Women’s Perceptions of a Prison Nursery Program
Vivian Su MPH, Karenna Thomas, Camille Kramer, Crystal Hayes, Carolyn Sufrin
Tracking locator changes in Criminal Legal involved adults: Lessons for longitudinal studies
Breana Uhrig Castonguay MPH
Evaluating Health and Homeless Services Utilization Among Legal-Involved Veterans
Andrea Finlay PhD
Encounters with Law Enforcement: Mental health impacts on Vallejo Residents Gayle Cummings PsyDc, MPH
Qualitative Interviews for People with Sickle Cell About Carceral Experiences
Yvane Ngassa BA
Incarcerated Pregnant Women: A Review of Litigation in the Federal Circuit Courts of Appeals Chelsi Lamberton MA Michael Vaughn PhDCreation and Validation of the Rapid Opioid and Stimulant Use Disorder Assessment for DSM-5 Criteria
Angela Di Paola PhD
David Farabee
Sandra Springer MD
Scoping Review of Military Veterans Involved in the Criminal Legal System and Their Health and Healthcare: 4-year Update and Mapping to Sequential Intercept Model
Andrea Finlay PhD
Supporting People with Severe Mental Illness Releasing from State Prison – the FIT (Formerly Incarcerated Transition) Wellness Model
Theodore Zarzar MD, Asiyah James LCSW
Delays in Gynecologic Cancer Care: A qualitative analysis
Yoshiko Iwai MS
Andrea Knittel MD, PhD
Design and preliminary baseline characteristics of Birth Beyond Bars, a pilot cohort of children exposed prenatally to maternal incarceration in Georgia
Isa Berzansky BA
Bethany Kotlar MPH, PMP
“Basically you fend for yourself” – Application of a Justice-Centered Socio-Ecological Model to the Health of Formerly Incarcerated Adults
Kristin Merss BSN, RN
Barbara Bowers PhD RN
Sydney Taylor
Ryan Westergaard MD, MPH
Co-occurring Medical Multimorbidity, Mental Illness, and Substance Use Disorders among Older Legal-Involved Veterans
Lance Washington MA
Pathways to Criminal Justice Involvement Through Substance Use and Mental Health Problems Kaitlyn Pederson MA
A Focused Investigation of Medical Diagnoses among Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in New York City Jails
Rebecca Giusti MD
New Considerations for Inclusion in Research: Recruitment of Pregnant and Postpartum People who have Experienced Incarceration with Substance Use Disorders
Julia Reddy MA
Kristel Black BA
Jamie Jackson BS
Andrea Knittel MD, PhD
Predicting Outpatient Care Use after Release from Prison among Adults with a History of Substance Use
Marguerite Burns PhD
Dementia Among People in the Criminal-Legal System: Findings from a Mixed Methods Research Study
Jennifer Bronson PhD, MS
Lance Washington MA
Impact of drug court on long-term psychosocial outcomes Ekaterina Pivovarova PhD
2:00-2:15 p.m.Break
2:15-3:15 p.m.30 Minutes: Track One: Income and Incarceration Salon A-C Moderator: Ferguson30 Minutes: Track Two: Carceral Health Salon D Moderator: Wurcel30 Minutes: Track Three: Programing to Improve Outcomes Salon E Moderator: Harzke30 Minutes: Track Four: Novel Data and Collaborations City of Oaks Moderator: Brinkley-Rubinstein30 Minutes & 15 Minutes: Track Five: Mental Health and Public Health Salon F-H Moderator: Pivovarova
Stakeholders’ perceptions about guaranteed supplemental income (GSI) and healthcare utilization for formerly incarcerated low-income, older Black men living with a chronic disease Brooke Montgomery PhD, MPH, MCHESIncarceration and cancer outcomes: A root cause of cancer inequity?
Jenerius Aminawung MD, MPH
The Strength at Home Program, A Trauma Informed Intervention to Reduce or Eliminate the Use of Intimate Partner Violence Viviana Figueroa LCSW, BCD. Freda Johnson DHA, LCSW-SThe creation of a real-time mortality data dashboard: updates on data cleaning and preliminary analyses
Jennifer Lao BS, BA
St Johns and Putnam Veteran Treatment Court: Focusing on Treatment
Isabelle Valeus LCSW
Charlotte Matthews MSW
Howard McGillin JD
A Qualitative Analysis of Crime-Free Housing Policies’ Effects on Low-Income Tenants and Formerly Incarcerated Individuals Alex Sizemore MA, MPL, Khadesia Howell, MPHEngaging Key Stakeholders to Assess Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation of Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs in Carceral Settings Rebecca Tenner
Emily Grussing BS
Goal Misalignment and Role Conflict in Corrections: Managing Custody and Rehabilitation
Zainab Kamara MS
Tribal Jails: Creating Data and Partnerships
Carolyn Camplain JD
Detention Officers’ Role in Recreation Time at a Southwest County Jail
Travis Pinn MA
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of people under correctional supervision in the United States: a scoping review
Sofia Mohammad BS
3:15-3:30 p.m.Break
3:30-4:30 p.m.15 Minutes: Track One: Legislation and Policies Salon A-C Moderator: Nijihawan15 Minutes: Track Two: Incarceration, Reproduction and Parenting Salon D Moderator: Morse15 Minutes: Track Three: Juvenile Justice Salon E Moderator: Staples-Horne15 & 30 Minutes: COVID19 City of Oaks Moderator: Nowotny 15 & 30 Minutes: Carceral Health Salon G-H Moderator: Prost
Incarceration and Medicaid Discontinuity: Review of Legislative Solutions to the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion Policy and Alternative Approaches to Minimizing the Coverage Gap
feefah Khazi-Syed BS
Ank Nijhawan MD, MPH
Forgotten fundamentals: results from a review of state legislation on nutrition during pregnancy for incarcerated people
Bethany Kotlar MPH
Engaging Families in Behavioral Health Services within the Juvenile Justice System
Kaitlin Piper MPH
Incorporating persons with lived experience in jails on implementation teams to sustain wastewater-based surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 at four US jails Anne Spaulding MD MPHThe Mental Health and Related Care of Non-heterosexual Adults within United State Prisons Stephanie Grace Prost PhD
Comparative Analysis of Compassionate Release Policies Jessica Blanks BS, BAHow do criminal justice, child welfare, and substance use disorder treatment agencies coordinate care for pregnant and/or parenting women who have substance use disorder? Sugy Choi PhDA latent profile analysis of social determinants of health among boys entering a juvenile prison Noel Vest PhDFamilial Perspectives of U.S. Conditions of Confinement During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic
Meghan Novisky PhD
PATCH: Patient-Centered Approach to Carceral Health
Yoshiko Iwai MS
Andrea Knittel MD, PhD
Fear of Unknowing: Resident Perceptions of Carceral Policies in U.S. Prisons and Jails
Danielle Rudes PhD
Contraception in Provincial Prison: A Qualitative Exploration of Women’s Perspectives and Experiences Reilly Jones MPHJuvenile Detention and Primary Care Utilization: Are They Related?
Shelley Aggarwal MD, MS
Tracking COVID-19 Vaccinations in Minnesota Jails and Prisons (30 MIN)
Tyler Winkelman, MPP,
Peter Bodurtha, MPP, Jessica Munroe, MPH
Massachusetts Nursing Intake Form Analysis with Agreement Check by Health Services Administrators Emily Grussing BA
COVID-19 in state and federal prisons, local and Indian Country jails: A review of Bureau of Justice Statistics special data collections Elizabeth Carson PhDHumanizing Care for People Impacted by Incarceration: A Qualitative Community-engaged Approach to Correctional Health Curriculum Development  Deborah Yip, BACarceral Logic in Psychiatry – Exploring the Similarities Between Incarceration and Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment in Youth
Zaire Cullins BA
4:30 p.m.Evaluation and Adjourn
Thursday PostersFriday Posters
Delivery of Trauma-Informed Care to Individuals in Jail
Tanya Renn PhD
Community ReentryStakeholder Perspectives of Facilitators and Barriers in the Implementation of Peer Recovery Support Services in New York State Opioid Intervention Courts  
Ikenna Achebe, MD,MPH, MA
Substance Use Disorders
Economic Mobility & Behavioral Health: Experiences Among African Americans & Families Impacted by The Justice System
Brian McGregor PhD
Community ReentryLa Clinica’s Transitions Clinic: A Comprehensive Clinic Serving the Health and Psychosocial Needs of the Re-entry Population
MaDonna Garcia-Crowley AS
Community Reentry
Urban and Rural Congruence: An Examination of Post-Release Outcomes
Amanda Bunting PhD
Community ReentryCreation of a Website with Local Incarceration Resources for Family Medicine Residents Makayla Lagerman BSCommunity Reentry
COVID-19 Vaccination in Jailed Population after Release of Cash Incentive: Cross-Sectional Data Analysis
Annie Youngblood MPH
Implementation Science and Clinical TranslationEffect of Cash Bail Reform on the Mentally-ill and Substance-using Justice-involved Population
Nicole Schramm-Sapyta PhD, Isabella Larsen
Post-Release Community Supervision and Suicide Mortality Amongst Formerly Incarcerated Persons in NC 2000-2020
Monica Swilley-Martinez MPH
Mental Health“They Care About Them More Than They Care About Me”: A Qualitative Study on Experiences of Distrust in Mental Health Care Systems Among Formerly Incarcerated People
Shivani Nishar ScB
Mental Health
Alcohol Use and Death by Suicide among Decedents Documented in the NVDRS Database
Riti Chandrashekhar MHS
Rebecca Fix PhD
Mental HealthCOVID-19 Triple Reinfections in a Correctional Health System: A Case Series Discussion
Audrey DeBritz BS
Augustine Kang PhD
Justin Berk MD, MPH, MBA
Rosemarie Martin PhD
Public Health
The Feasibility and Acceptability of a Peer Research Assistant Program for Adults Impacted by the Carceral System
Emily Dauria PhD, MPH, Logan Riley Lehman, BA
Community ReentryAs Natural Disasters become More Prevalent, It Is Important to Explore Resiliency, Especially Within Communities Deemed “Non-Compliant” or Stigmatized by Social, Legal, and Health Systems
Orobosa Idehen B.S. MPH(c)
Public Health
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Health of People Under Correctional Supervision in the United States: A Scoping Review Sofia Mohammad BS, Zoey Chotiner,, Kathryn Nowotny PhDPublic HealthAn Environmental Analysis of Substance Use-Related Pre- and Post-Arrest Diversion Programs In North Carolina
Madeline Frank BA
Eliza Filene BA
Public Health
How Art Sustains Health and Resists Structures of Confinement: Creative Expressions of Incarcerated Artists at a Maximum Security Women’s Prison
Peter Dickson MPH MDiv
Racial and Social JusticeGender Identity, Stimulant Drug Use, and Criminal Justice History on Internalized Stigma Among a Nationally Representative Sample of Adults who Misuse Opioids
Amelia Bailey MPH
Public Health
Understanding Treatment Enrollment Decisions among Incarcerated Women with Histories of Sexual Assault through the Theory of Planned Behavior
Chelsey Bull PhD
Mollee Steely Smith PhD
Special Populations-Gender“Basically You Fend for Yourself” – Application of a Justice-Centered Socio-Ecological Model to the Health of Formerly Incarcerated Adults
Kristin Merss BSN, RN
Barbara Bowers PhD RN
Sydney Taylor
Ryan Westergaard MD, MPH
Research Methods/Approaches
Implementation of Enhanced Perinatal Programs in Six State Prisons
Alexus Roane BA
Special Populations-GenderIncorporating the Perspectives of Women Incarcerated on Physical Activity Interventions in Correctional Facilities
Kartik Akkihal BS
Special Populations-Gender
Dementia Among People in the Criminal-Legal System: Findings from a Mixed Methods Research Study
Jennifer Bronson PhD, MS
Lance Washington MA
Special Populations-GeriatricGynecologic Care for People Experiencing Incarceration: A Systematic Review
Meredith Wise MD
Elana Jaffe MPH
Sreya Upputuri
Andrea Knittel MD, PhD
Special Populations-Gender
Social Relationships Shape Psychological QOL among Older Adults in Prison
Amanda Velez BA, MSSW
Stephanie Grace Prost PhD
Special Populations-GeriatricSmall-Scale Usability Testing: E-learning modules for Peer Caregivers
Erin Kitt-Lewis, PhD, RN, Susan J. Loeb, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN,
Sherif Olanrewaju,
Barbara Walkosz,
Brandon Herbeck,
Steve Fullmer,
Katherine Aiken
Special Populations-Geriatric
A Review of Substance Use Treatment Service Need and Provision to Perinatal Populations in Carceral Settings
Mollee Steely Smith PhD
Stephanie Wilson
Melissa Zielinski Ph.D.
Substance Use DisordersLifetime Prevalence and Correlates of Incarceration Among Low-Income Veterans: The National Veteran Homeless and Other Poverty Experiences (NV-HOPE) Study
Katherine Kelton PhD MSPH
Special Populations-Veterans
Cost of Activities Required to Implement the Delivery of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) in Correctional Settings in Massachusetts
Danielle Ryan MPH
Substance Use DisordersDesigning Trauma-Informed Gender-Sensitive Opioid Use Disorder Treatment for Incarcerated Adults
Elizabeth Evans PhD
Substance Use Disorders
Rural and Urban Clinician Views on the Impact of COVID-19 on Substance Use Delivery for Justice-Involved Populations
Evan Batty, MA
Substance Use DisordersEnhancing Client Recovery during Community Supervision—Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD): A Toolkit
Tonya Tavares McCallum MS
Substance Use Disorders
Recidivism Among Persons with HIV Receiving Extended-Release Naltrexone
Kaley Parchinski MPH
Substance Use DisordersCommunity Engagement to Guide Implementation of an Algorithm-Informed Intervention to Prevent Fatal Opioid Overdose for Individuals Leaving Jail
Emily Dauria PhD, MPH
Substance Use Disorders
The Effectiveness of Seeking Safety with Incarcerated Women who have Experienced Trauma
Wendy Snee MSW
Isabelle Valeus LCSW
Quality of Infectious Disease Screening Among Veterans with Legal Involvement
Andrea Finlay PhD
Prediction of Violent Reoffending in People Released from Prison in England and Tajikistan: Comparative External Validation Study of a Risk Assessment Tool (OxRec)
Gabrielle Beaudry, PhD
Informing Best-Practices: End-of-Life Care Planning in Corrections
Erin Kitt-Lewis PhD, RN

Continuing Education information will be available soon!

Anthony Ray Hinton
Photo credit: Rob Liggins

ACCJH 2025 Keynote: “The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life, Freedom, and Justice” – Anthony Ray Hinton

One of the longest serving death row prisoners in Alabama history and among the longest serving condemned prisoners to be freed after presenting evidence of innocence, Mr. Hinton was the 152nd person exonerated from death row since 1983. He wrote an acclaimed book on his experiences and is excited to share his life story at ACCJH 2025 on Monday March 17th.

Anthony Ray Hinton survived for 30 years on Alabama’s death row. His story is a decades-long journey to exoneration and freedom. In 1985, Mr. Hinton was convicted of the unsolved murders of two fast-food restaurant managers based on the testimony of ballistics experts for the State who claimed that the crime bullets came from a dusty revolver found in Mr. Hinton’s mother’s closet. Without the benefit of a competent expert to challenge the State’s theory (Mr. Hinton’s lawyer hired a ballistics expert who was blind in one eye), an all-white jury convicted Mr. Hinton and he was sentenced to death. After years of petitioning to have the revolver re-analyzed, three independent experts concluded that the bullets could not have been fired from his mother’s revolver. With the assistance of the Equal Justice Initiative, led by attorney Bryan Stevenson, Mr. Hinton was freed in 2015. Since his release, Mr. Hinton has traveled the world sharing his story and discussing the changes that need to be made to prevent similar injustices from happening to other people. In 2018, Mr. Hinton published The Sun Does Shine: How I Found Life and Freedom on Death Row, which was selected for Oprah’s Book Club and is a New York Times bestseller. In 2019, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from St. Bonaventure University, and in 2023, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Emory University.

ACCJH 2025 Plenary Panel: “Pharmacoequity in Carceral Settings” (Tuesday, March 18, 8:30 am)

ACCJH is proud to dedicate time and space during this year’s conference to explore pharmacoequity. Pharmacoequity is a term describing an aspect of health equity focusing on improving equitable access to evidence-based medications. This panel brings together people with lived experience of incarceration, lawyers and clinicians to discuss the barriers and opportunities for working towards pharmacoequity in carceral settings.

This plenary session will be moderated by ACCJH board member Louise Reagan and features the following panelists:

Laura Hawks, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Medical College of Wisconsin

Rebekah Joab, Esq., Legal Action Center

Chiteara Thomas, Advocate & Mentor;  Violence Prevention Coordinator, The Teen Empowerment Center

While the conference schedule is jam-packed with interesting sessions and networking opportunities, you may want to explore a bit of Austin while you are here. Austin is renowned for its amazing music scene, food, events, outdoor activities, and more. 

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Please check back soon for conference announcements!